"Thus and thus" nghĩa là gì?

"Thus and thus" = như thế như thế -> nghĩa là theo cách thức cụ thể, như đã chỉ dẫn. 

Ví dụ
Just so are these preachers (người thuyết giảng) and scholars holding various views blind and unseeing. In their ignorance, they are by nature quarrelsome (dễ cáu), wrangling (cãi lộn), and disputatious (thích tranh luận), each maintaining reality is thus and thus.

Current estimates (ước lượng) of R is currently estimated to be below 1, in most regions at around 0.9, although there is uncertainty around these and thus and thus we cannot preclude R being above 1.

For many years he had theoretically believed that all which appears in the mind as motive (động cơ) or intention is merely (gần như) a by-product (sản phẩm phụ) of what the body is doing. But for the last year or so — since he had been initiated — he had begun to taste as fact what he had long held as theory. Increasingly, his actions had been without motive. He did this and that, he said thus and thus, and did not know why. 

Like Phillips, New and Continuing Studies (NCS) Dean Richard Fehrenbacher cited a changing national job market and landscape as reasons for a need to shift (thay đổi) how the university delivers education. Fehrenbacher said that in many ways higher education is shifting away from just traditional students. Instead, there are new demands as people change career paths more often and thus and thus require additional certificates or skills training. He sees this national change as an opportunity for the university to grow or shift its services.

Ngọc Lân

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