"By fair means or foul" nghĩa là gì?

"By fair means or foul" -> nghĩa là bằng mọi cách có thể, kể cả đó là hành động gian lận, bất lương.

Ví dụ
Lenders want to ensure their loans are legitimate (hợp pháp), secure and safe. Borrowers seek loans by fair means or foul. A borrower who owns a bank can play around with the savings of millions of depositors (người gửi tiền). To prevent that conflict of interest, industrialists and bankers must remain apart.

At their best, City sustained attacks and they prevented breakaways with ruthless (tàn nhẫn) efficiency by fair means or foul. Opposition managers would look longingly at the vacant (chỗ trống) space behind Guardiola's defence in the hope that their quickest players could find a way to penetrate (thâm nhập). But try as they might it never seemed to happen. City never allowed it to happen.

The Government of National Accord (GNA) is, supposedly, recognized (công nhận) by the international community, and yet we have countries as diverse as Iran, Syria, Egypt, Russia, France and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) backing warlord Khalifa Haftar’s campaign to overthrow it by fair means or foul.

Ironically (mỉa mai), the leaders of Pakistan also use this expression but for them this only means seizing (nắm bắt) the former state of Jammu & Kashmir by fair means or foul.

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