"Don't bet on it" nghĩa là gì?

"Don't bet on it" = đừng đặt cược vào nó -> nghĩa là đừng mong điều đó xảy ra.

Ví dụ
Is there really going to be a baby boom nine months from now thanks to the coronavirus quarantine? Experts say don't bet on it. “I really don’t think [people are> saying, ‘Oh, let’s have a baby in the midst (giữa) of the greatest epidemic that the country has faced in 100 years,’”

Talent trumps all, though. The Giants have one of the smartest front offices in the game, and just might pounce (vồ, chụp) at the chance of adding a talent like Bryant. Don't bet on it, but don't count the Orange and Black out on what could turn into a Bryant sweepstakes in the near future.

 A Niners win and a Bucs loss kept the dream alive for all four NFC West teams to reach the playoffs together, but don’t bet on it. 

The obvious response was to wonder (tự hỏi): Does this mean USC football can play Notre Dame to ensure the rivalry continues uninterrupted? First of all, it’s not that simple. Second of all, it’s not advantageous for either team, so don’t bet on it.

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