"Grease the palm" nghĩa là gì?

"Grease the palm" = bôi trơn bàn tay -> nghĩa là đút lót, mua chuộc ai. 

Ví dụ
Sources also alleged (khẳng định) that families are also forced (bị ép) to grease the palm of “some” health workers for loading and unloading bodies of their loved ones from a mortuary van (xe tang).

You can never catch the bars of the ticket counter unless you grease the palm of the man on duty. Once upon a time I had a file of a poor relative (người thân) with a clerk (thư kí) in a government office. Just to create a rapport (quan hệ), I tried to remind him that he had been my class fellow at college in early eighties. He rejected me and my statement as an old wives tale and demanded his share of bribe.

Those who have the support are able to access a “decent” lawyer, meet family members during supervised (giám sát) prison visits, rarely miss court dates due to the non-availability of police escorts, have funds to buy coupons for daily item, and “grease the palm of prison officials or convict warders” to access better facilities such as a mattress or better ventilated (thông thoáng) space, the essay said.

In hospitals you have to grease the palm of officials in order to gain an hospital bed for your patient. Otherwise, your ward (phòng) could be left unattended to, with death being the consequence.

Ngọc Lân

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