"Many are called, but few are chosen" nghĩa là gì?

"Many are called, but few are chosen" = rất nhiều được gọi, nhưng chỉ một vài được chọn -> nghĩa là rất nhiều người cố gắng đạt được điều gì nhưng chỉ một vài người thành công. 

Ví dụ
Let us rise up and build  for the Almighty God. Many are called but few are chosen. God wants to work with who could stop the rain. The Lord did it. The way has already been made. A king without a kingdom. It is a matter of life or death; which one do you choose? I choose life.

That is what the seminary (trường dòng) I serve is committed to. All schools of formation must be committed to these standards. Future failure is not an option. “Many are called, but few are chosen” must be a constant (bất biến) reminder for all those who dare to pursue (theo đuổi) the Catholic priesthood.

A second clue comes when everyone is invited and in the setting of the feast somebody seems to stand out as a singular person. The King calls him 'my friend' but that really is sarcasm (mỉa mai), as we next find out, without a wedding garment (áo quần), silent ungrateful in communication, he is thrown out with a warning that this is what may happen to us too, for many are invited but few chosen!

The “Glory” honors are what graduates (tốt nghiệp) of the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication (UPCMC) may be aspiring (khao khát) for. But as the scripture (kinh thánh) says, many are called, but few are chosen. The chosen ones are the alumni (nam sinh từng theo học) who produce excellent work consistently but also made an impact in mass communication and society.

Ngọc Lân 

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