"Not much cop" nghĩa là gì?

"Not much cop" -> nghĩa là không tốt lắm, không đáng chú ý hay đặc biệt chút nào. 

Ví dụ
And suddenly there they all are, lolling (thơ thẩn) about, a giant silverback with his chin (cằm) propped up on his fist like a sullen (ủ rũ) teenager, his wife sprawled on her back next to him in the dappled sunlight, then climbing over him for a spot of grooming. They look at us with little curiosity – a bunch of tourists in masks is not much cop as far as they’re concerned.

What is called liberalism (chủ nghĩa tự do) is not much cop on YouTube. As Steven Turley puts it, Twitter is “basically a secular (trường kì)-liberal echo-chamber that preaches to the choir and throws out old, tired euphemism and trite little hashtags that die out as quickly as they arise.”

It’s then your job to use that knowledge to work out how best to attack them; piercing (sắc nhọn) weapons are not much cop against leather but the slashing of swords will find its weakness, with the opposite true for chain mail.

Meanwhile, in the state sector, King Football reigns supreme. Even though we are not much cop at football as a country, compared with Germany or Italy, the game is more popular than ever, or at least more visible.

Ngọc Lân

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