"Not short of a bob or two" nghĩa là gì?

Sương sương vài chục tỉ thôi. Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

"Be not short of a bob or two" = không thiếu 1-2 xu -> nghĩa là giàu, đầy tiền. "Bob" là cách gọi khác của đồng silinh (đồng tiền kiểu cũ của Anh)

Ví dụ
Why don't you marry Dye, he's not short of a bob or two. You can live in his house and you'll be fine.

Alfie took no notice of what other people said or thought. Still single and living with his mother in a fine house overlooking the harbour (bến cảng), he was not short of a bob or two and enjoyed life to the full. 

Once settled in Henry's study, with Henry in full spate (nói một tràng dài) about his newly discovered—or rather, rediscovered—contempt (coi thường) for the popular medium of television, Mark considered Lansdale Gardens and perceived that Henry was not short of a bob or two. 

A few weeks later Hugo moved into Lowndes Square, and over the next few months he returned to a lifestyle he assumed was his by right. Several chums (bạn thân) commented on how lucky he was to have the company of such a charming and beautiful woman, and some of them couldn't resist adding, “And she's not short of a bob or two.” 

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