“Once a priest, always a priest” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Sarah Noltner

“Once a priest, always a priest” = một lần là linh mục, cả đời là linh mục -> nghĩa là khi ai đó làm công việc gì thì sẽ luôn giữ tính chất/cốt cách đúng với công việc đó dù sau này không còn làm việc nữa.

Ví dụ
“Once a priest always a priest.” White commented, “He was ordained (phong chức), he was a priest his whole life (and) his spirituality comes out in his music, all you have to do is listen and you’ll hear it.”

Many people embrace their retirement years as a time to reflect and experience life as more free individuals. Some people travel, some take a nap every day. Still some golf and spend time with family and friends. We all know people who keep working or explore new work as a second calling. But, what about priests? Are their experiences of retirement any different? Is it once a priest, always a priest?

In 1969, feeling he could no longer support the church’s views on divorce and remarriage, intercommunity services (dịch vụ dùng chung) and the celibacy (sống độc thân) of priests, Leo Lynch resigned from what he called his “institutional” church. Lynch married the former Judith Hayes in 1970, and continued to minister to the faithful, celebrating Mass with the Emmanuel Catholic community. As people told his family Monday, “once a priest, always a priest.” He had many gifts, including playing the padre (linh mục) in the Midland Music Society’s 1980 production of “Man of La Mancha,” one of several roles he held in community theater.

Ka Tina

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