"Pad your expense account" nghĩa là gì?

"bao gái" không tính vào tiền công ty nhé... Photo by Matt W Newman on Unsplash.

"Pad your expense account" có pad là nhồi nhét những thứ thừa -> cụm từ này nghĩa là dùng tiền công ty cho chi tiêu cá nhân.

Ví dụ 
Claim more money than spent, add false expenses. How can I pad my expense account if I don't have receipts?

Like inflating (thổi phồng) income tax deductions, padding expense account reports is something everyone knows is wrong, but many do anyway.
Have you been padding your expense account, Johnson? You're going to have to explain some of these mysterious out-of-state charges.

Of those who do pad their expense reports, 39% did not label it “fraud” in the criminal sense if the exaggerated (tăng quá mức) amount was 10% or less of the total.

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