"Right a wrong" nghĩa là gì?

Sai đâu sửa đó. Photo by Daniela Holzer on Unsplash

"Right a/this/that wrong" nghĩa là sửa chữa lỗi lầm/sai trái.

Ví dụ
Now, she has a chance to right that wrong—and she thinks she's found the perfect man to carry out her plan. After watching him for weeks, she breaks into Jack Calabrese's house to collect the evidence that will confirm her hopes. 

We were both accused (bị buộc tội) of a murder we didn't commit, we were both sentenced to death (kết án tử hình) for that crime, and we were both given a chance to right that wrong, to take revenge on the world that had condemned us.

Dirk was determined to right that wrong, even though very few people actually knew about Edward Ballinger's most serious mistake. That didn't matter. Dirk knew, and that knowledge had destroyed his memory of the man he'd called "Father."

But if we have done wrong to any nation, we stand ready to make right that wrong, as quickly as possible. We fear God, and fear to offend Him, and therefore we obey His instructions to treat our neighbors with respect. If Your Majesty (vua) knows of any wrong that we need to make right, I will be deeply grateful to you if you will bring it to my attention. I promise you that that wrong will be made right.

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