"The Bible Belt" nghĩa là gì?

"The Bible Belt" = vành đai kinh thánh -> nghĩa là khu vực ở Mỹ tôn sùng, tin tưởng tuyệt đối vào chủ nghĩa chính thống Cơ đốc giáo, điển hình là vùng Trung tây và Nam.

Ví dụ
“The repercussions (tiếng vọng) were big, especially in the Bible belt,” recalled George Harrison for the Anthology series. “In the south they were having a field day.” Several dozen radio-stations stretching from Ogdensburg, New York, to Salt Lake City, Utah – instantly followed WAQY’s lead and banned the Beatles’ music.

There is something very South Carolinian about barbecue (đồ nướng). It might be due to Carolina barbecue sauces, or the legends that the dish actually began on the state’s coast. But if the South is deemed the Bible Belt, then South Carolina can be called the barbecue restaurant buckle, thanks to the many restaurants around that specialize in these smoked and saucy meats.

Daddy had been transferred (di chuyển) from New Orleans, where my mother’s family had resided since 1860, to Texarkana, buckle of the Bible Belt. Mama’s transition from First Baptist Church, New Orleans, home church of most of the administration and faculty of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, to the smaller, more conservative and less-educated churches of our town was not easy.

“Here in the heart of the Bible Belt, LGBTQ people have really flourished (thịnh vượng) and have ensured that our culture has been maintained and that we’ve created safe spaces for ourselves, and one of those safe spaces is right here in Norman, Oklahoma,” Shinn said in the press conference.

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