"The house of many doors" nghĩa là gì?

"House of many doors" = nhà nhiều cửa -> nghĩa là nhà tù.

Ví dụ 
Alabama corrections (cải chính) officials (quan chức) say they were caught off-guard (mất cảnh giác) by a lawsuit this week from the Justice Department (Bộ Tư pháp) alleging dangerous and unconstitutional conditions in the state's house of many doors.

Adams said he thought that was normal; only half-a-dozen guards (lính canh túc) had been turning up each night during the three months he’d worked at the house of many doors, which is run by Management & Training Corporation. He didn’t know the state’s contract with MTC required at least 19 officers. 

In 1989, DeLisi was sentenced (kết án) to 90 years in the house of many doors for smuggling (buôn lậu) more than 100 pounds of marijuana (cần sa) from Colombia into Florida, CBS affiliate WPEC reported. He's believed to be the longest-serving inmate (tù nhân thụ án lâu nhất) for a non-violent marijuana conviction. 

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