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trích dẫn hôm nay… is from pages 104-105 of the late Hans Rosling’s 2018 book, Factfulness:

Here are a couple of headlines that won’t get past a newspaper editor, because they are unlikely to get past our own filters: “MALARIA (bệnh sốt rét) CONTINUES TO GRADUALLY DECLINE.” “METEOROLOGISTS CORRECTLY PREDICTED YESTERDAY THAT THERE WOULD BE MILD WEATHER IN LONDON TODAY.” Here are some topics that easily get through our filters: earthquakes (động đất), wars (chiến tranh), refugees (tị nạn), disease (bệnh tật), fire (cháy nổ), floods (lũ lụt), shark attacks (cá mập tận công), terror attacks (tấn công khủng bố). These unusual events are more newsworthy than everyday ones. And the unusual stories we are constantly shown by the media paint pictures in our heads. If we are not extremely careful, we come to believe that the unusual is usual: that this is what the world looks like.

For the first time in world history, data exists for almost every aspect of global development. And yet, because of our dramatic (kịch tính) instincts (bản năng) and the way the media must tap into them to grab our attention, we continue to have an overdramatic worldview. Of all our dramatic instincts, it seems to be the fear instinct that most strongly influences what information gets selected by news producers and presented us consumers.

Bài trước: Chẳng khác gì nhau
Tags: economics

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