"You could cut the atmosphere with a knife" nghĩa là gì?

"You could cut the atmosphere with a knife" = có thể cắt không khí bằng một con dao -> nghĩa là tình huống rất căng thẳng, dễ xảy ra xung đột.

Ví dụ
The fear was palpable (có thể cảm nhận được). I know what it means to say you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Living through the Troubles takes its toll I believe. So many bad things, they build one on the other, year after year. I still have dreams about being in Belfast in vaguely (ngờ ngợ) perilous (hiểm nghèo) situations, yet I know I was one of the lucky ones. 

The place was like a boxing ring. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife and I remember asking myself: ‘What the hell am I letting myself in for here?’ But eventually, Jock walked towards me and said just three words. Two of them were ‘You’re on!’ And I was.

Our bodies literally vibrate (rung lên). How we feel sends off the vibration - an energy that leaves our bodies. Eg, have you ever walked into a room and you feel like you could cut the atmosphere with a knife?

Ngọc Lân

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