Liệu có thể đẩy nhanh tiến độ tiêm vắc xin Covid-19?

dễ thôi, phát ma túy miễn phí tại các điểm tiêm phòng nhé :D
Cannabis activists have come up with a way to entice (dụ dỗ) more people to get the coronavirus vaccine: Give them weed.

The group D.C. Marijuana Justice — the architects of Initiative 71, the 2014 ballot initiative that legalized pot possession and cultivation in the District — are plotting a cannabis giveaway around vaccination sites in the city. Those sites haven’t been announced yet, but the organization is readying volunteers to distribute free baggies of marijuana at multiple vaccination centers as they come online.

So far, local growers have pledged three pounds of cannabis to the giveaway, and organizers hope to collect a total of five pounds by the time they begin handing it out,

Tags: health

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