“Carrying on like a pork chop” nghĩa là gì?

“Carrying on like a pork chop” = xèo xèo như miếng thịt heo (đang rán) -> nghĩa là hành động ngớ ngẩn, làm ầm ĩ lên (la lối om sòm).

Ví dụ
"The RSL is a $400 million company with a billion dollars worth of assets and we've got a highly paid CEO carrying on like a pork chop," Mr Moon said.

Sky News host Peter Gleeson says “the very hairy chested China is carrying on like a pork chop” in the wake of Australia’s successful push for an inquiry (điều tra) into the coronavirus, approved by the WHA on Tuesday. 

I’d just been dropped by the state team, I was carrying on like a pork chop. He pinned me up against the locker in the changing room and said ‘Mate, you’ve got to pull your head in, otherwise you’re going to lose your cricketing (bán hàng) career very quickly. 

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