"Cause célèbre" nghĩa là gì?

"Cause célèbre" -> nghĩa là vụ việc hoặc vụ án pháp lý gây tranh cãi trong cộng đồng; vụ án 'gây xôn xao dư luận'.

Ví dụ
Criminal defendant (người bị kiện, bị đơn) and conservative cause célèbre Kyle Rittenhouse, 18, remains free pending trial, but prosecutors (công tố viên) managed to add more conditions to his release. In a ruling on Friday, a Wisconsin judge ordered that Rittenhouse cannot possess or drink alcohol, and cannot hang out with bigots (người tin mù quáng).

The second wave of Covid has given us a new cause célèbre. Never mind the PPE scandal, the liquor ban tussle (ẩu đả), or how to manage the school year: the big question is how to get vaccines - the purported silver bullet in fighting the pandemic.

But a new factor in Navalny's power play with the Kremlin is that his poisoning has turned him into an international cause célèbre. German Chancellor Angela Merkel intervened to have Navalny receive medical treatment in Berlin and then visited him in the hospital.

Refusing to settle, Mr. Scheidler became a cause célèbre among anti-abortion activists (nhà hoạt động). His lawyer, Thomas Brejcha, who had been working pro bono, founded the Thomas More Society, a nonprofit law firm, as a way to funnel donations, which soon came pouring in.

Ngọc Lân

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