"Comedy of errors" nghĩa là gì?

Tư thế này hơi ngộ nhỉ :D. Photo by ketan rajput on Unsplash

"Comedy of errors" -> nghĩa là hàng loạt tình huống hài hước, lố bịch, sai lầm, 'dở khóc dở cười'; xuất phát từ vở hài kịch của Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors.

Ví dụ 
Their business was a comedy of errors by the end, with orders constantly being confused, employees arriving at the wrong time, and the financial accounts being all over the place.

Sri Lanka’s first innings had been a comedy of errors, culminating (lên đến cực điểm) in 135 runs and string of sorry dismissals, and any repeat would have brought an early end to proceedings.

The president’s legal team has been pursuing (theo đuổi) challenges in a whole bunch of different states, but so far they have not succeeded in taking a single vote away from Biden or giving a single vote to Donald Trump. Many of them have been thrown out of court. He produced this sort of, comedy of errors in the courtrooms where judges are often baffled (trở ngại) by what the Trump campaign is doing, what they’re asking, the logic they’re presenting, the lack of evidence they’re presenting.

Thùy Dương

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