Tại sao chị em bây giờ lại lười sinh con?

sợ mất tự do, mất sự nghiệp, tốn kém...

quyết định sớm đi thôi, đẻ cho nó xong một việc đi :D
...For members of this cohort, the decision might feel especially daunting (làm thoái chí, nản chí). Studies and stereotypes have frequently branded them as burned out, beset by decision fatigue (mệt mỏi), prone to scrupulous (thận trọng; cẩn thận để không làm sai; tuyệt đối chân thật) self-examination. They struggle with analysis paralysis in their careers, and with FOBO (fear of better options) in their personal lives. They’re waiting longer to get married, and so are more likely to confront a narrowing fertility (khả năng sinh sản) window. Throw in subpar parental leave, exorbitant (giá cắt cổ, đắt đỏ) child-care costs, the looming specter (bóng ma) of climate change and a culture that has slowly grown more accepting of women who don’t want kids, and there are plenty of reasons for deliberation. Which can sometimes spiral into anxiety and confusion.

By the time the angst-ridden turn to Davidman, they have typically exhausted other potential sources of insight. They’ve late-night-panic-Googled their way to every parenting blog and advice column and TED talk; they’ve read feminist essays by women who are proudly child-free. They’ve fielded nosy questions from relatives, sought advice from friends, made lists of pros and cons. Finally, they decide it is worth the time and cost (ranging from about $400 for an online group course to upward of $2,500 for one-on-one counseling) to have an expert help solve the problem.

Bài trước: Vẫn lãng mạn
Tags: marriage

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