"Don't be a stranger" nghĩa là gì?

"Don't be a stranger" -> câu bày tỏ mong muốn rằng sẽ trở lại, sẽ liên lạc sớm thôi; đừng coi tôi như người lạ nhé, đừng quên tôi nhé.

Ví dụ
Have you figured out how to deal with VS Code tabs? Do you now prefer it to other editors? You can hit the comments section below this entry if you have anything to add or ask regarding (liên quan tới) the subject of VS Code tabs. Don’t be a stranger! Our community is always more than happy to help.

Don’t be a stranger, UMR wants to hear from you! The University of Minnesota Rochester aims to provide you with the professional support, resources and development opportunities you need to be successful. UMR hopes to stay in touch (giữ liên lạc) LONG after graduation. 

Enjoy your retirement, Coach Hinds – the high school football community is going to miss you tremendously (ghê gớm)…so don’t be a stranger. 
Don’t be a stranger – keep your details up to date so we can continue to stay in touch and let you know about the latest alumni news, events and benefits. You can also connect with us on Linkedin.

Ngọc Lân

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