"Flap your gums" nghĩa là gì?

"Flap your gums" -> nghĩa là trò chuyện phiếm, tán phét hoặc nói ba hoa.

Ví dụ
Don’t Flap Your Gums: A lot of technology professionals can talk at length, especially if they are passionate (đầy nhiệt thuyết), about the details of their profession (lĩnh vực) or job. You must not be one of these people. Your answers to all questions should be clear and concise (ngắn gọn). You need to convey competence without wading into the tall grasses of terminology.

Huh, do you just flap your gums or do you do any research (nghiên cứu) at all. As much as I hate Chad this one actually isn’t on him. Don’t think it’s on any coaches (huấn luyện viên) this happened at a New Year’s party, details didn’t come out until early Feb because kid was getting people to lie for him. At least that’s the rumors. Let’s see what the police say.

If your going to jump up on you’re soap box and flap your gums, at least have a speech in place that don’t make you look like a a even bigger pigeon (chim bồ câu) than your already are….

It wasn't a Brock issue at all. It was a stupid business decision, and I flew off the handle. I was wound up pretty tight at the time. I thought they were poking (chọc) me with a stick, and I admittedly handled that in the worst possible way. It never had anything to do with Brock Lesnar -- it was just a stupid business decision, and although I handled it (xử lý) wrong, there wasn't anyone in that company who can tell me it was a smart move to put me in that match with no build and blow a total marquee pay-per-view or rivalry that could have lasted God knows how long! I don't have any problems with anything Brock said. He's got his take on things. And anytime you can flap your gums and stir things up, well, I'm always about that.

Ngọc Lân

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