"Lang may yer lum reek" nghĩa là gì?

"Lang may yer lum reek" hay "long may your chimney smoke" = mong ống khói nhà bạn luôn tỏa khói -> câu chúc ai những điều tốt đẹp, nhất là khi nâng cốc chúc mừng hoặc từ biệt; 'chúc bếp hồng luôn đỏ lửa'.

Ví dụ
“Lang may yer lum reek” is a toast (lời chúc) commonly heard at Scottish gatherings. Its sentiment – may you always have fuel for your fire and the good health this brings – evokes (gợi lên) a bygone era and reflects the hardships of life in a cold climate. However, any time I hear it, I can’t help but think it has a contemporary relevance.

I know, for instance, somewhere in that plastic container is my late Uncle Bill’s handwriting with his annual (hằng năm) quote of an old Scottish toast “Lang may yer lum reek.”

At the New Year she can be heard greeting Scottish friends with "lang may yer lum reek", although she still manages a "sawasdi pee mai" for Thai friends.

I told someone “lang may yer lum reek” and nearly got arrested! I’m thinking of introducing a new fad (kì cục) diet just before the bells – it’s based around shortbread (bánh bơ giòn) and whisky and is called the 5:2 midnight diet.

Ngọc Lân

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