Suy nghĩ về câu nói: Leo lên đỉnh cao...

vấn đề với quyền lực không phải nó được nắm giữ bởi những người xấu mà bản chất vị trí đó vốn đã tha hóa rồi...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 285 of Philipp Blom’s 2010 book, A Wicked Company:

Now, however, around the time of his sixtieth birthday (lần sinh nhật 60) in 1773, [Denis] Diderot himself was in a position of influence (vị trí gây ảnh hưởng), and he realized (nhận ra) that the problem with power was not that it was held by the wrong people but that it was inherently corrupting (tha hóa).

DBx: Oui. Yes. Diderot is correct.

And so those who seek power seek to be corrupted – or, they are at least recklessly indifferent to the terrible risk.

Tags: economics

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