Cháu nó đúng rồi

gọi 911 báo cảnh sát vì nhận được quà giáng sinh là quần dài mùa đông (ko thấm nước)...

...He said the boy was upset (buồn bực) with his present (quà tặng) and wanted the police (cảnh sát) to help.

Schmidt said officers took the necessary steps (các bước đi cần thiết) to ensure (đảm bảo rằng) the call was not an emergency (khẩn cấp) and police were not dispatched (phái, cử) to the scene (hiện trường) to investigate (điều tra).

In a telephone interview on Wednesday, Schmidt told that the incident is "an awareness and educational moment" that prompts another reminder for parents and caregivers to talk to children about making 911 calls.

Bài trước: Cũng là một cách
Tags: kid


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