"Stake reputation on" nghĩa là gì?

Này thì mất danh dự thật :( Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

"Stake reputation on" = đặt cược danh dự -> nghĩa là làm việc gì có nguy cơ ảnh hưởng đến danh tiếng.

Ví dụ
“They weren’t cryptic (khó hiểu)… I put pressure on my government for that change to happen.” Bartolo said he will stake his reputation on making “all the truth come out… I will be judged by what happens.”

Angus Meats owners stake reputation on family business. George Stachecki was a meat manager with Allied Foods in the late ’60s when he was transferred (chuyển nhượng) to Spokane. Soon afterward, Allied sold its western division (bộ phận), and Stachecki had two options: follow his employer or put down roots. He chose the latter (điều thứ hai), opened Angus Meats and Delicatessen on the North Side and started a tradition of quality products and customer service that continues today.

And when a short seller makes a long case, I sit up and pay attention; they know what it's like to be on the other side of the trade, and to stake reputation on a company positively holds real weight.

The current Senate is far less hospitable (hiếu khách) for deal-making than it was during Kennedy’s day, but two years in, Warren has struggled to balance her principles with her desire to get things done. Despite her outsized influence, she hasn’t yet chosen to stake reputation on compromise.

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