“The dead hand of” nghĩa là gì?

“The dead hand of (something)” = bàn tay chết -> nghĩa là yếu tố/nhân tố ngăn cản sự tiến bộ/tiến triển.

Ví dụ
While Trump’s tenure (nhiệm kỳ) is drawing to a close, his judges will ensure that the dead hand of the Trump administration governs the nation for decades to come.

Nor is this exclusively the result of the dead hand of the past. As Winchester explains, “Since 2007 the amount of American land owned by these wealthy (giàu có) 100 has increased by 50 percent, and is showing no signs of slowing down.”

British businesses, and especially hauliers (người vận chuyển) or commercial fishermen, trying to cope with the dead-hand of Brexit may well scratch their heads and wonder how they swallowed Boris Johnson’s sunny-uplands, Britain-unchained guff. 

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