"The silent majority" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Amy Tran on Unsplash

"The silent majority" = số đông im lặng -> nghĩa là nhóm người có ý kiến nhất định nhưng không công khai chúng. 

Ví dụ
I believe I am part of the silent majority on COVID-19 and need to speak up (“Our letters page is evidence (bằng chứng) that L.A.'s COVID-19 messaging is failing,” Opinion, Dec. 5).

It truly appears that the silent majority have at long last begun to assert their authority and return to the ancient traditions of displaying the fact that the UK is predominately (hơn hẳn) a Christian country and that the ‘happy holiday’ appeasers have no actual rights whatsoever to interfere with its Nativity celebrations.

The essential point, however, is the watershed (bước ngoặt) argument: that the silent majority of our citizens have now collectively had it up to their nose with this so-called “development”. 

Although we have done it all along, in 2021, we will be pushing you even harder to make your voice heard. Because although important change can be made by a few loud voices, we’re tired of the vocal minority overruling (lấn át) the silent majority. We’re guessing you are, too.

Ngọc Lân

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