"Tougher than a two-dollar steak" nghĩa là gì?

Những con người quả cảm - Smokejumper. Photo by ryantheler

"Tougher than a two-dollar steak" = cứng hơn cả miếng bít tết 2 đô -> nghĩa là khỏe, mạnh mẽ, kiên cường (thể chất lẫn tinh thần).

Ví dụ
"Smokejumpers (cứu hỏa bằng dù) are pretty much expected to be tougher than a two - dollar steak, ” he declared. “If you were looking for a common thread, it would be that they all like adventure." 

He called for the calf. Seconds later, cheers from the crowd rose above the grandstand (Khán đài). “What a run! Folks this roping is getting tougher than a two-dollar flank steak. Dell's time was seven-point one seconds, putting him in the lead. Give him a big hand, folk."

Some of those early years were tougher than a two-dollar steak. But those were also some of the best. We'll miss the old place out west of town where this company got its start — first on the dining room table of publishers Bill and Sandy Bales, then in the converted shop building where the work went on for some 10 years.

When we were in our early twenties, we thought we were tougher than two-dollar steaks, and prettier than any cow chewing her first cud. We liked to frequent the bars down on Hillsborough Street by NC State on the weekends, because the bars there would always have penny drafts and gifts who were hotter than a mess of collards on the back burner of a four-dollar stove.

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