Anh em chú ý, cơ hội lần hai

giờ biết giá rồi nhé,

tòa án china xử ly hôn, định giá 5 năm làm việc nhà của vợ là... 50.000 tệ (178 triệu đồng) ;)

...the plaintiff (nguyên đơn, người đứng kiện), surnamed (họ) Wang, had filed for divorce (nộp đơn ly dị) from her husband, surnamed Chen, last year. She said her husband “didn’t care about or participate in any kind of chores around the house,” and would go to work each day, leaving her at home to care for their child. Beijing’s Fangshan District court ruled in her favor, ordering Chen to cough up 50,000 yuan ($7,700) for neglecting his share of the domestic duties.

“The division of a couple’s joint property after marriage typically entails (bao gồm) divvying up tangible property (tài sản hữu hình). But housework may constitute intangible property value (giá trị tài sản vô hình) … not reflected among their physical assets,” the presiding judge, Feng Miao, told domestic media (truyền thông nội địa) on Monday. The case is now awaiting appeal (kháng cáo), though it’s unclear which side objected to the verdict (lời tuyên án, phán quyết).

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