Các ông chồng cần biết: Hiểu vợ bao nhiêu là đủ?

mua tặng em trai máy pha cafe ngày sinh nhật -> vợ khen lấy khen để,

đến khi sinh nhật vợ mua tặng cái giống thế thì vợ lại chẳng vui, thế là thế quái nào?

-> vì vợ cho rằng chồng "lười suy nghĩ" và ko khiến cô ấy "cảm thấy đặc biệt" đấy ;), ít nhất nên là cái máy khác, xịn hơn :D
Dear Dan,

I bought my brother a top-of-the line espresso machine for his birthday. My wife remarked that it was a very generous and thoughtful gift, so I took that as a hint and got her the same espresso machine for her birthday. But she ended up not being very happy with my gift. Why do you think she wasn’t as excited as I expected?

Gifts are ways to give people things they want, but with romantic partners, what they really want is to feel special. According to a recent study by Lalin Anik of the University of Virginia and Ryan Hauser of Yale, that’s why people often prefer to receive a unique gift from their significant other rather than a lavish one. By giving your wife the same coffee machine you gave to your brother, you’re not communicating that she is special to you; in fact, she may feel that you simply wanted to spend a minimum of time and effort finding a gift. Even if you were to give her a coffee machine, it would have been better to give her a different model and tell her how much time you invested finding the exact right machine for her.

Tags: marriage

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