Đi bộ cũng phải đúng cách

kết hợp nghe sách nói hoặc podcast yêu thích để khỏi ngại :)
Dear Dan,

It’s only January, and I’m already bored by my New Year’s resolution (nghị quyết đầu năm) to go on a walk each day (đi bộ mỗi ngày). What can I do to make this daily exercise more enjoyable?

Rather than dreading (kinh hãi, khiếp sợ, nghĩ đến mà sợ) the time you set aside for your daily walk, why don’t you try to combine it with something you find more pleasurable (mang lại niềm vui thích; thích thú)? For example, you could allow yourself to listen to your favorite audiobook or podcast only while you’re walking. The key is to keep this pleasure only for your walks and promise yourself not to listen to it any other time (tự hứa với mình ko nghe vào lúc nào khác (chỉ khi đi bộ thôi)). This way you will start to associate taking a walk with something positive, making you look forward to it as a reward rather than seeing it as an unpleasant obligation (nghĩa vụ khó chịu).

Tags: health

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