“Be doped to the gills” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Cristian Newman

“Be doped to the gills” có dope là cho ma túy vào, to the gills là đầy ắp, ngập đến tận miệng -> cụm từ này nghĩa là bị say thuốc nặng đến mất ý thức hoặc mất trí, thường là thuốc do bác sĩ kê đơn.

Ví dụ
She told him she would rather be doped to the gills than be so bang full of shit as he was. “Let me know when you arrive in the real world.

A question. You are lying in one of those trolley beds outside a hospital surgery room, doped to the gills, waiting to get wheeled in and knocked out so your excruciatingly painful (đau đớn vô cùng) “slipped disc” can be fixed.

My old CSC jersey may have been the fatal attention but are things really that bad? That everyone who even acts like they’re into cycling over the mountains must be juiced up, doped to the gills, still taking the Smarties? I was a little wired on caffeine and maybe even high on CBD oil – but nothing even approaching a marginal gain.

Ka Tina

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