Trộm cắp như rươi

cảnh sát đến hiện trường chung cư, mọi thứ còn nguyên ngoại trừ... cửa thang máy đã bị trộm mất từ đêm qua :D

...On arrival, deputies were directed to the lobby where everything appeared to be in place other than the elevator door (cửa thang máy). They concluded that it must have been stolen overnight.

According to the KCSO, the cost to replace the door could run from $7,000 to $10,000.

As of Monday morning, there are no new developments in the case and deputies are hoping for some leads. It is unclear if there was one suspect who somehow acted alone or if there were multiple individuals who pulled off the peculiar (lạ kỳ, khác thường; lập dị, kỳ dị) caper (hành động dại dột; hành động kỳ cục).


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