Hơn 11 tuổi có là gì

con rể và mẹ vợ 15 tuổi đây này,

em gái 24 tuổi người uk mới sinh con trai, vừa từ bệnh viện về, thì nhận được tin nhắn chia tay, bạn trai bỏ trốn cùng... mẹ đẻ (bà ngoại đứa bé)...

A 24-year-old pregnant mom claims she was shocked (bàng hoàng) to find out that her boyfriend (bạn trai) and baby daddy (cha đứa trẻ) was having an affair with (chuyện tình, chuyện yêu đương) her own mother.

...“It’s the ultimate betrayal (phản bội). You expect (hy vọng, mong chờ) a new grandmother (bà ngoại) to fall in love with the baby (yêu đứa bé) — not the father (chứ không phải cha của nó),” Aldridge told the outlet.

...“We were stuck together for months in the house during lockdown (phong tỏa),” Aldridge recalled (nhớ lại). “It was so hard, especially as Ryan and Mum were always being so flirty (ve vãn, tán tỉnh). I felt so uncomfortable (rất khó chịu, không thoải mái), it was a horrible (kinh khủng, kinh khiếp, kinh tởm) experience.”

...Even though Georgina’s husband, Eric, was also in the house, Shelton, 29, and Georgina, 44, would spend nights in the kitchen together drinking Bacardi. Aldridge claims she once caught Shelton touching her mom’s butt (mông), but he tried to brush it off (gạt đi). “It was disgusting. She would wear these short dresses and be all touchy-feely with him on the sofa,” she said. Aldridge claims she even confronted the pair — although they denied anything was going on.

That changed when Aldridge was admitted to the hospital to give birth to Reuben in January. While she was having a Caesarean section (mổ lấy thai), Shelton, a car parts salesman, broke up with Aldridge via text, claiming he was sick of her accusing (buộc tội) him of having an affair.

Tags: marriage


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