Dịch Covid-19: Sôi động thị trường bán hàng online

đã có mua bán giấy xét nghiệm giả âm tính, để được đi du lịch...
Illicit (lậu, bất hợp pháp) sales of fake (giả) negative (âm tính) Covid-19 test results are becoming more widespread as criminals (tội phạm) look to profit (lợi nhuận) from travel restrictions (hạn chế di chuyển) imposed (áp đặt) during the pandemic (đại dịch), according to Europol.

The EU’s law enforcement agency (cơ quan thực thi pháp luật) on Monday reported (báo cáo) an increase (gia tăng) in cases of fraudulent (không trung thực, lừa dối) Covid-19 test certificates (giấy xét nghiệm) being sold to travelers. It comes as an increasing number of countries in the European Union and beyond oblige (bắt buộc, cưỡng bách) travelers to present a negative coronavirus test in order to be allowed entry, when travelling from a high-risk area.

In its latest Early Warning Notification, which Europol issues to alert EU member states of new or increasingly prevalent forms of criminal activity, the agency said the latest case of this crime had been detected in Luton Airport in the U.K., where a man was arrested trying to sell false coronavirus test results. Elsewhere in the U.K., fraudsters were caught selling bogus (hư, ma giả, không có thật) Covid-19 test documents for £100 ($137).

There had also been earlier reports of similar activity in other European countries.

A forgery (giả mạo) ring at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, for example, was “dismantled” after being found selling forged negative test results to passengers, Europol said. The amount charged for the fake test documents ranged between 150-300 euros ($181-$363).

Another fraudster was apprehended in Spain for selling false negative test certificates on the internet for 40 euros, and in the Netherlands, scammers were discovered selling fake negative test results for 50-60 euros through messaging apps.

Tags: health

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