WHO gian dối về Covid-19

"chỉ đạo" ghi giấy báo tử là "chết vì covid-19" bất kể bệnh nền là gì -> "thổi phồng" tỷ lệ tử vong...

As if this weren’t enough to increase the official tally (kiểm kê, tính toán) of deaths attributed to COVID-19 far beyond the numbers of UK citizens that actually died of the disease, there’s the additional problem of the changes to how death certificates (giấy báo tử) record the cause of death. On 20 April, the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued the ‘International guidelines for certification and classification (coding) of COVID-19 as cause of death’. These instructed medical practitioners that, if COVID-19 is the ‘suspected’ or ‘probable’ or ‘assumed’ cause of death, it must always be recorded, in Part 1 of the death certificate, as the ‘underlying cause’ of death. In contrast, co-morbidities such as cancer (ung thư), heart disease (bệnh tim), dementia (mất trí nhớ), diabetes (tiểu đường) or chronic (mạn tính) respiratory (đường hô hấp) infections other than COVID-19 should only be recorded in Part 2 of the death certificate as a ‘contributing’ cause. To clear up any confusion this may cause to a doctor filling out the death certificate of an 80-year-old patient who has died of cancer and tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 post mortem, the WHO instructed medical professionals: ‘Always apply these instructions, whether they can be considered medically correct or not.’

(DBx: This last quoted line sounded inaccurate even to my cynical ears, so I checked it out. It’s accurate. This unbelievable demand from the WHO for inaccuracy is outrageous. [Elmer’s link above doesn’t work for me, so I found the April 20th, 2020, WHO document here and downloaded it.])

Tags: health

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