Đồng chí thông cảm

ông lão 88 tuổi chạy xe ôtô với tốc độ gần 200 km/giờ, khi bị csgt giữ lại thì nói... đang muộn đi tiêm vắc-xin covid-19... :)

The speed limit (tốc độ tối đa) on the road where he was picked up on Thursday is 110 kilometres per hour, police in the eastern French Bas-Rhin region said on Facebook.

The driver, a local, "gave as a reason for his speeding that he was late for his anti-Covid vaccine", it said.

Officers confiscated the man's driving licence (giữ bằng lái) and impounded (nhốt vào bãi rào) his car.

Tags: funny


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