Cặp đôi kỳ lạ

bạn gái đã cắt làn, gã đàn ông còn rút dìu dọa tài xế xe đằng sau...
...According to a probable cause statement, said that on Jan. 17, a man was sitting at In-N-Out drive thru when a woman driving a silver BMW cut in front of him.

The man then flashed his headlights (nháy đèn pha) to get the woman’s attention (sự chú ý), but she ignored him.

Shortly after, another man got out of a truck parked nearby and broke the window of the victim’s car and threatened him with a hatchet (rìu).

After breaking the window (đập vỡ cửa kính), the suspect (kẻ tình nghi), identified as Damien Lee Hallett, pointed at the victim (nạn nhân) with his hand bleeding (chảy máu) and told the victim “it will be your blood next”, and left the area.

Tags: marriage

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