Bằng chứng đâu?

về tác dụng của phong tỏa trong việc giảm sự lây lan của coronavirus...

Having engaged in an immense (khổng lồ) amount of research, interacting with both doctors and frontline (tuyến đầu) healthcare workers, it is apparent that the negative effects (tác động tiêu cực) of the government lockdown measures on society far surpass the effects of COVID-19. The science being used to justify lockdown measures is both suspect and selective. In fact, there is no empirical evidence that lockdowns are effective in mitigating the spread of the virus. We are gravely (nghiêm trọng, trầm trọng, quan trọng) concerned that COVID-19 is being used to fundamentally alter society and strip us all of our civil liberties. By the time the so-called “pandemic” is over, if it is ever permitted to be over, Albertans will be utterly reliant on government, instead of free, prosperous, and independent.

As such, we believe love for our neighbor demands that we exercise our civil liberties. We do not see our actions as perpetuating (làm cho bất diệt, kéo dài mãi mãi) the longevity of COVID-19 or any other virus that will inevitably come along. If anything, we see our actions as contributing to its end – the end of destructive (mang tính phá hoại) lockdowns and the end of the attempt to institutionalize the debilitating fear of viral infections. Our local church is clear evidence that governmental lockdowns are unnecessary (không cần thiết). In fact, it is also evidence of how harmful they are. Without going into detail, we recently lost the life of one of our precious congregants who was denied necessary health care due to government lockdown measures.

Bài trước: Đừng tin Biden
Tags: health

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