Quý khách chú ý

đi siêu thị ở atlanta, chỉnh quần rơi súng...

The gunshot (tiếng súng nổ) rang out through the Lenox Square mall around 6 p.m. Saturday, Sgt. John Chafee told the Daily News Sunday.

Witnesses (nhân chứng) initially told police (ban đầu nói với cảnh sát) there may have been a “dispute” (tranh cãi) between two people, but officers confirmed (xác nhận) that no such fight (ẩu đả) happened.

Instead, the armed man fired the “accidental” discharge while adjusting, Chafee said.

No one was injured (bị thương), but the man fled the scene and has not been identified (xác định danh tính) or located.

“We urge gun owners to be responsible and we would recommend they leave their firearms at home while they are out shopping in public areas,” Chafee said.

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