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chú chim bồ câu alabama vượt qua 8.000 km tới úc (kỳ tích), giờ phải đối mặt với... "án tử hình" vì các nhà chức trách nước này e ngại covid-19...
An Alabama racing pigeon (chim đua) that survived a lengthy and mysterious (khó giải thích, khó hiểu, bí ẩn) trip across the Pacific Ocean (thái bình dương) — landing last month in an Australian backyard — is now facing the death penalty (án tử hình).

Local authorities, worried about disease (bệnh), say they plan to kill (giết) the bird as soon as they can catch it.

...But while Joe may have survived the 8,000-mile journey, Australia has some of the world’s strictest quarantine (cách ly) laws, and a pigeon from the United States could be carrying exotic (vật ngoại lai) diseases that threaten Australia’s biosecurity, authorities said.

Under normal circumstances, importing a pigeon would require permits (giấy phép), health certificates and a reservation at a quarantine facility.

In 2015, Australian authorities threatened to euthanize two dogs belonging to Johnny Depp and his then-wife Amber Heard, after they sneaked the Yorkshire terriers into the country without the proper permits.

Tags: funny


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