“Present bias” nghĩa là gì?

“Present bias” = định kiến hiện tại -> nghĩa là xu hướng đánh giá cao phần thưởng hiện tại hơn là trong tương lai.

Ví dụ
In behavioral economics, “present-bias” refers to when people settle for something smaller today, in the present, rather than holding a potentially larger reward in the future.

Other errors include present bias and hyperbolic discounting. This is where leaders give disproportionate (không cân xứng) weight to the cost of preventive health measures incurred now, versus the later reward of a productive and healthy workforce. 

Many people who live beyond their means are in effect demonstrating a ‘present bias’ – believing that spending money in the present is more important that putting money away for future financial security. The tendency (khuynh hướng) with this bias is to focus on the present by over-valuing the immediate rewards rather than focusing on the longer-term rewards, even if they are more favourable or beneficial than the immediate one.

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