Giờ khác xưa nhiều lắm

các cuộc cách mạng vệ sinh và y tế đã thay đổi rủi ro của tương tác toàn cầu, chỉ có 1% chết vì bệnh truyền nhiễm mà thôi...
To see how much the sanitary (vệ sinh) and medical revolutions (cuộc cách mạng) have changed the risks (rủi ro) of global interaction, examine what kills Americans abroad these days: cardiovascular (thuộc tim mạch) events including heart attacks (đau tim, trụy tim) account for 49 percent of all deaths, injuries (chấn thương) for a further 25 percent, and infectious diseases (bệnh truyền nhiễm) other than pneumonia (viêm phổi) for just 1 percent…even travel to pathogen-rich environments has become far, far safer than it used to be: a study of 185 deaths of US Peace Corps volunteers, placed in some of the world’s least healthy countries, found that unintentional injuries and suicides (tự tử) were far more deadly than infection, accounting for more than 80 percent of deaths between them.

That is from Charles Kenny’s new and excellent The Plague Cycle: The Unending War Between Humanity and Infectious Disease, which was started well before Covid.

Tags: health

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