"The never-never plan" nghĩa là gì?

"The never-never plan" = kế hoạch không bao giờ -> nghĩa là mua hàng trả góp.

Ví dụ
But there was nothing on the affordability (khả năng chi trả) crisis. It was as if the people of Canada were erased from their own government’s agenda, their problems pushed off to the never-never plan.

The never-never plan is a phrase that younger drivers won’t recognize; it’s not a term that gets much press anymore. When I started driving, it was a common phrase, and well named. The modern, politically correct term is ‘carrier lease purchase.’

Contributing to the never-never plan is the fact that anyone close to their credit card limit (giới hạn) may choose to use up their minimum payment amount as soon as it’s applied. For instance, if you have $200 of available credit left on your card and you make your $350 minimum payment, but a few days later you charge groceries, fuel, lunch and dinner while shuttling kids between soccer and dance totalling $450, you haven’t actually allowed your balance to decrease. This is a further indication (biểu thị) to your credit score that you have a cash-flow problem.

There are many restrictions of this sort when refinancing (tái cấp vốn). Meant to prevent us from finding more affordable financing to keep us on the never never plan rather than mortgage (thê chấp) free.

Ngọc Lân

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