"The public weal" nghĩa là gì?

Vì lợi ích cộng đồng!! Photo by Devon Divine on Unsplash

"The public weal" có weal là hạnh phúc -> cụm từ này nghĩa là lợi ích chung của xã hội, cộng đồng. 

Ví dụ
An especially powerful contributor (cống hiến) to this dissatisfaction is the revulsion (thay đổi đột ngột) against what has come to be called the “rigged” economy and financial markets—the sense that a government-corporate elite runs the economy for its own advantage with little regard for the public weal.

The projectors and conductors (người chỉ đạo) of The Tribune have no pet theories to maintain, nor any personal interests to serve through the medium of this journal. No considerations of pecuniary (tiền tài) gain have incited them to this enterprise. They profess simply to act for the public weal.

The issue of what to do with monuments and school names can be more complex (phức tạp) than the cartoonish (hình mẫu) excesses of the woke left might indicate. Art’s impact on the public weal should not be the sole or leading measure of its worth—that way Stalinist “socialist realism” lies—but in certain cases it cannot be ignored.

Nothing from the four corners of the solicitor (quan chức) general’s pleading intimate this. The solicitor general failed to show how he is promoting and protecting the public weal and ultimately upholding the government’s interest in intervening in this case without so much as a leave.

Ngọc Lân

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