"With eyes wide open" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

"With eyes wide open" = với đôi mắt mở to -> nghĩa là với kiến thức sắc bén, nhận thức đầy đủ.

Ví dụ
We got to play a quality opponent, got to learn where we need to improve, and what we can build off (cải thiện) of. Everyone got the chance to play, we're all healthy, so we will have everyone involved in training this week with eyes wide open and looking ahead. 

However, a large chunk (công việc khó giải quyết) of the loan debt is for graduate (tốt nghiệp) education. Most of those borrowers went in with eyes wide open. They also on average make more and have higher employment rates. Low-income undergraduate borrowers may owe less but struggle far more.

In the summer of 2003, Michelle met and eventually married her love, Ryan. From the moment they met, they were one and virtually inseparable (không thể tách rời). They discovered unconditional love with one another. They explored life with eyes wide open, and went on adventure after adventure.

“We want to encourage people to come in with eyes wide open and to understand it’s a lot of work,” said St. John Rescue member, paramedic, and fire and EMS instructor Brenda Tenney.

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