"A change in his stripes" nghĩa là gì?

"A change in (one's) stripes" = (con hổ) không thể thay da (vạch vằn) -> nghĩa là sự thay đổi về quan điểm, tư tưởng, lòng trung thành (thường liên quan đến chính trị).

Ví dụ 
The former governor has changed her stripes regarding social welfare since leaving office.

You're never going to convince Tom about this. A guy so set in his beliefs like Tom can't change his stripes.

During his campaign, he seemed to change in his stripes somewhat on the subject in supporting modest reforms such as decriminalization (hợp pháp hoá), expungement (sàng lọc) of records, medical use, and leaving cannabis legalization up to the states. Even so, he flip-flopped back and forth a bit. Biden never supported federal.

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