"A rare bird" nghĩa là gì?

Brazil Topno on Unsplash

"A rare bird" = con chim hiếm -> nghĩa là người hoặc vật hiếm khi gặp, xuất hiện. 

Ví dụ
Insight: U.S. Senate filibuster (nguời cản trở công việc) is a rare bird. Most state legislatures don’t give veto (phủ quyết) power over all lawmaking to a minority, and neither do most of the world’s democracies.

Anna Chatten is a rare bird on IndyCar circuit (vòng đua). The lone woman to work on a pit crew on the IndyCar circuit, Anna Chatten was nearly run over two years ago during a practice session before a race in Ohio. “When a car is coming into the pits, you have about a two-second window — and that’s pretty optimistic (tích cực) — to decide whether the car is going to clear (tránh) you or not,” Chatten said Saturday after helping install a new Chevy engine for driver JR Hildebrand’s Panther Racing Team.

Gene King has had myriad (nhiều) experiences in his 93 years — he is a rare bird to have fought in three wars — and he spent his working life as a coach and a principal, inspiring countless high-school

Susan Rogers, by her own admission, is a rare bird. A female producer (nhà sản xuất) and sound engineer in an industry dominated by men, her drive and commitment would land her side by side with Prince as his star soared (bay lên).

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