"Banana repulic" nghĩa là gì?

Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash

"Banana repulic" = cộng hòa chuối -> nghĩa là các quốc gia có nền chính trị bất ổn, kinh tế phụ thuộc nặng nề vào xuất khẩu các nguồn sản phẩm hữu hạn.

Ví dụ
Believe me, it might have appeared so, but this was not purely a story for fun (we have too much respect for the constraints (đè nén) on people’s time to simply toy with such events). We set out to remind readers how things work in a banana republic, and in this case a banana republic with the biggest economy in the Middle East and 83mn souls to provide for.

This is spicy (cay đắng) stuff coming from the country’s former first minister. If he is to be believed, Scotland under the SNP is not so much a mature democracy as a cold weather version of a banana republic.

The Founders, and Henry Clay, would be appalled (dọa) by McConnell’s recent and weird speech threatening he will turn the Senate into a banana republic “scorched (hình kim) earth” unless he gets his way.

I had so many, but I mean, I also remember even in my last, you know, semester (học kỳ) at Yale, we would go literally from - I would take the train in to 30 Rock. There was a Banana Republic at the base of 30 Rock.

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