“Buckley's Chance” nghĩa là gì?

“Buckley's Chance” có Buckley là tên của William Buckley - người có thể coi là Robinson Crusoe của Úc, người thoát khỏi chiếc tàu chở tội phạm, và định cư ở Melbourne năm 1803, khi đó không ai nghĩ Buckley có cơ hội sống sót. Gần đây, có giải thích mới Buckley trong tên chuỗi cửa hàng bách hóa Buckley & Nunn (hiện đã phá sản) -> cụm từ này nghĩa là không có cơ hội nào, không có khả năng xảy ra.

Ví dụ
One LNP backbencher, speaking on the condition on anonymity (nặc danh, giấu tên), said they thought the party was "choking" in the final stretch of the campaign. "It was the same story at the 2017 election, it was all smooth sailing and then we got the wobbles," they said. "We have none and Buckley’s chance for a majority, in my opinion, but a hung Parliament is a very real possibility."

A stark example of the unsustainability of the current configuration is the more than $1.2 billion in debts owed by people over 60. Buckley’s chance of getting that back. If we consider the types of degrees and the prospect of youth employment coming back any time soon, we’re to expect a pretty bleak outlook, which is to the point of Tehan’s shake-up.

Except this time, Trump has Buckley’s chance of succeeding, as the Constitution is firmly against him. The Republicans will force a debate about the Electoral College vote in both chambers (hội đồng hành chính hoặc pháp luật), but even if the Senate dares to vote to overturn the people’s election verdict (tuyên án, phán quyết) and they succeed in carrying the Senate, the fact that the House (with its Democratic majority) will vote for Biden, will ensure the defeat of the Republican coup attempt. This is because the Constitution requires both chambers to vote against the results of the Electoral College vote before the results can be overturned.

Ka Tina

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